Cost of Living

In the United States the cost of living increases faster than wages. It contributes to the increasing poverty rates across the country. One of my former co-workers graduated from University of Maryland with a BA in psychology. We were hired the same day. A few months after we was hired, she quit. Long story short, after her and her boyfriend broke-up, she couldn’t afford to pay her rent. It is common for people that was living together to have financial trouble after a break-up. This is a result to the decrease in income in the household. Insight SBS did a piece on a woman that was homeless after her husband walked out in her in Australia. There is a possibility they could end up being homeless in a situation like that. Her degree and being a young white woman opened other doors for her. As the cost of living increases faster than wages, so does poverty and homelessness as more people cannot afford to live in town in which they work.

In Maryland, Amazon is the biggest employer. The company also pay people with no work experience or degree more money than most companies in the state. In 2016 the company starting wages was $12 an hour. That is $2k a month before taxes is taken out. The apartment it was living in was $800 a month just for rent. Once you add other monthly expenses you will quickly understand the reason so many people are living in poverty in Maryland. If you live by yourself, you going to be taxed pay higher taxes than somebody with a child. As a result, you going to be making some tough cuts. Most likely you will not have a car. You may find yourself not going to the doctors that often to avoid the co-pay. This year the same apartment rent is $1300 for a one bedroom. Amazon starting wage is $15 an hour. That is a $400 increase in pay before taxes and a $500 increase for apartment. It is common for people to move from one apartment to another once they can no longer afford to live in the area in which they live.

Dateline SBS did a special on rich Asians migrating to Vancouver from China. Those rich Asian created ghost towns driving up property values in Vancouver. As a direct result of the property value increase most people that worked in Vancouver couldn’t afford to live in Vancouver. Gentrification in Vancouver has made it one of the most unaffordable cities in the world. Those that is employed in the city cannot afford to live in the city. This is just one example of the way gentrification creates homelessness.
One of the ways to bridge the racial income gap is to make buying a house affordable. If people can afford to buy a house, they will have an asset they can pass down to their children. In addition, there must be some type of rent control.

Racial Income Disparities

The racial income gap in the United States can be traced back to white supremacist transgressions in America. One can make a legitimate argument that classism is the new racism. The Baltimore DOJ Report mentioned two Baltimores. One is the upper class, which is majority white; The other is the low-income communities which are majority Black. We can point to numerous periods in history that created the current climate that led to racial income gap. Systematic Racism within the education system, Redlining, and self-inflicted wounds like Black-on-Black crime contributes to racial income disparities in America.

Black on black crime is self-genocide and it furthers divide people by race and class. After the Freddie Grey riot in Baltimore City some companies started pulling out of the Baltimore area. Some stores never reopened after being looted during the riots. Numerous companies that spoke to the media said they were relocating due to concerns about the safety of their employees. Once companies relocated, so did the jobs the companies brought to the area. The Black community must overcome several challenges from Black-on-Black crime to educational disparities to bridge the racial income gap.

To this day education is one of those factors that divide people by class and race. It plays a huge role in racial income disparities. The educational achievement gap has been a problem in the black community since slavery. Frederick Douglass a former slave in Maryland; Wrote a piece titled Learning to Read and Write. It is a powerful piece of Black historical literature that is too often overlooked. It is a piece about the incompatibility of slavery and education. To this day too many people in the black community underestimate the power of education. It is one of the keys to bridging the racial income gap in America.  Studies show higher education will be needed just to be considered for the jobs of the future. Education will be the key to surviving a modernized economy financially.  

Redlining was a practice from the 1920s to 1968 left African Americans at an economic disadvantage. In 1968 the fair housing act was passed which officially put an end to redlining. Close to a hundred year after redlining started, numerous communities in the United States remain divided by race and class. White flight is created the modern-day redline.

In conclusion, I believe part of the solution to bridging the racial income gap starts with employers. Employers can put in a little more effort to ensure their employees are gaining marketable skills on the job. In addition, we as a people must self-check ourselves as black people instead of blaming others for our downfalls. Including, looking at the actions we as a people make that perpetuate negative stereotypical perceptions, which hinders economic prosperity in our communities. I highly recommend reading The Color of Success written by Ellen D. Wu. The book speaks on the way migrating Asians changed the negative stereotypical perceptions that hindered their culture.  They rebranded their cultural identity which paved the way for economic opportunities within their community.

Transgenders in the Military

I've got a lot of criticism for agreeing with Trump about not letting transgender people serve in the military. Some say it's discrimination I disagree it's about cutting expenses. Trump argument is the military should be focus on their objectives not the medical complications that comes with having a sex change. Coming from me some might think I'm being bias because of my views on the subject in general. It's true I don't agree with the LBGT lifestyle never have never will. One the other hand I try not to judge people for their decision and in most cases just respectfully agree to disagree on the subject. However, that's not the reason I agree with Trump I'm viewing it through the same lens as him, a business lens the expenses that comes with that territory will only put strain on the budge.

Similarities between the Bible and the Qur’an

truth booth online

The Qur’an and Bible possess many similarities as the holy scriptures of Islam and Christianity, respectively. They consist of narratives, teachings, poetry, and rebuking. Many narratives contain the same basic events and figures. They both teach the creation of the world by a single almighty, omniscient God who commands humans to follow the morality set out for them.

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Baltimore Mayor veto minimum wage

Yesterday, the Mayor of Baltimore City announced she plans to veto a bill that would raise the minimum wage. Baltimore City has had the highest poverty rate in the state of Maryland for years. Two years ago riots force some establishments to close its doors permanently. It was an huge economic blow to a city that already faced economic challenges. Is raising the minimum wage the key to economic recovery? While doing so would put more money in employees pockets small companies COGS should be taken into consideration before raising the wage. Stiff competition from major retailers is already forcing companies into bankruptcy. However, even if the wage is raised some struggling companies may still go out of businesses anyway do to lack of demand for their goods. Those companies that’s just holding on by a thread raising the wage could be the nail in thing coffin. Yet, one should take a closer look at the profits. Will those companies eventually go out of business if the wage isn’t raised? The upside to raising the wage is with more money in people pocket the more people will spend. As a result, some of that extra money if pumped back into the struggling economy. Those that need to relief will be grateful and those that don’t have any responsibilities will spend it on goods they otherwise wouldn’t by increasing sales in a the struggling retail business.

Poverty is a problem in Baltimore that needs to be addressed. Raising the minimum wage is only a temporary solution. Raising the wage could lead to increasing prices of goods to offset that company expense. In addition if the wage doesn’t incessantly raise with the cost of living poverty won’t go away. Therefore raising the wage is just a bandaid and doesn’t resolve the poverty issue. An argument I’ve been arguing for a while training can be part of solution to the poverty crisis. However, unless employers jump on the bandwagon poverty will still exist. The reason employers need to jump on the bandwagon is they know the skills needed to survive in today’s job market. In addition more training programs need to be accessible to more people. I notice the city have training programs that’s only offered to 18-24 year olds the age restrictions should be lifted off those programs. That age restriction is the reason their is a lack of enrollment in some programs. Their should be 2 requirementa one must be a city resident. The second depending on program should be tested to ensure those enrolling can successfully pass course. Those that can’t pass should be offered opportunities to get the skills needed to successfully pass course.

Georgetown Review of Clinton Free College Plan

Georgetown University recently released a report analyzing Clinton’s free college plan. The report constantly mention hypothetical problems yet stop short at offering a solution to resolve issues mentioned. If one observes the current job market, you will notice a degree or some type of certification is required to make a decent salary in today’s economy. A high school diploma isn’t enough to earn a decent salary in America today. Clinton college plan may not be perfect. However, it is step in the right direction to reduce poverty in this country. The brilliant folks at Georgetown University should have considered employers needs before bashing Hillary college plan.

“The history of racial discrimination has created persistent racial disparities in economic opportunities and education. Roughly 100,000 African-Americans Baltimore residents live in poverty, accounting for more than three-fourths of Baltimoreans.” Baltimore DOJ Report

“Lifting incomes for everyday Americans is the defining economic challenge of our time. And to raise wages, there is no better investment we can make than in education.” Hillary Clinton’s New College Compact

“Today’s unemployed is tomorrows unemployable” Robert Kiyusaki Ted Talk
The DOJ Report made it clear; there is a huge income gap between white and black communities. I believe Clinton free college plan is an attempted to bridge that gap. Clearly the rich is getting richer while the poor is getting poorer. Part of the problem is the skills and education gap among other factors contributing to that harsh reality. Recently I had a conversation with an associate about the value of a certification. Nowadays technology is incessantly evolving at pace faster than one can learn what’s already on the market. The stuff you learn in class today can be outdated and obsolete by tomorrow. The current job market makes it clear, career training and/or education beyond a high school diploma is a necessity no a luxury. It is an essential tool to survive in today’s job market. Making these essential tools easily accessible to those that normally would not have the opportunities to earn better wages without minimum wage being raised. Clinton mentioned some of those issues in New College Compact. However the good ole folks at Georgetown University failed to mention it, in their review of Clinton College plan. Instead they offered excuses like the following:
“Many People who are qualified to attend college never graduated; roughly half a million students graduate every year with test scores in the upper of their high school class but never go on to get a certificate or college degree.”
Those that graduate from high school and don’t go to college have their reasons for not going. The fact is most of those that is coming out of high school are still living with their parents for years after high school. Therefore they might not be seeking higher education at that time; however that don’t mean they are not going to go back to school later on in life. In addition, high tuition cost is the sole reason some that want to go to college don’t go.
To be blunt a lot of low income residences don’t qualify for jobs that pay a decent wage. As technology incessantly advance some job are being eradicated or no longer paying a livable wage. Nowadays companies seem to increase productivity standards while decreasing wages. Doing this reduce their Cogs while bringing up their bottom line. This creates an environment that turns people into parasites forcing them to have to depend on others and/or government assistance just to make it by.
“The idea of skill gap suggests that plenty of well-paying jobs exist but are lacking skilled applicants, primary due to an educational sector that is inadequately responsive to workforce needs” Wiscape Skill Gap

#FuckTrump Rally turns into Black Lives Matter Chants

Recently I have attended a few rallies with in the Baltimore/DC area, one thing I notice is black are to focus on the black power movement instead of unifying. Today in Baltimore I went to an anti-Trump rally in Baltimore one thing I kept hearing repeated over and over again is FUCK TRUMP and BLACK POWER despite the number of migrants that came out to support and voice their frustration. I get the FUCK TRUMP but the BLACK POWER wasn’t needed at this rally. Something else I found that took away from the seriousness of the rally is the guy on the microphone using the platform to promote his concert. I personally believe if the people would have dropped the BLACK POWER angle more people that dislike Trump would have stepped to the microphone and expressed their frustration with Trump as well. In addition, if I was an undecided voter screaming FUCK TRUMP and BLACK POWER ISN’T GOING TO PURSUED ME NOT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP. I was truly disappointed with the rally it had so much potential to make a real statement yet dropped the ball.

Below is a video of a migrant disgusted with Trump anti-migrant rants. 

Baltimore City Police No Snitching Mentality

The DOJ Report is an investigative report released by the Department of Justice. While there are several reports out there I’m going to focus on the one they did on the Baltimore City Police Department. In the report it was mentioned how important it is to build a good relationship between community and department. Yet talk about police not telling on each other out of fear of retaliation. “Many officers are reluctant to report misconduct for fear that doing so is fruitless and may provoke retaliation.” (DOJ Report) Why should the public trust the police when they can’t trust each other? How do you eradicate corruption within the department if all the cops are taking up for each other?

Below is a video that touches on other issues in the DOJ Report 

Donald Trump is a Racist

For somebody to make such a ridicules statement like blacks should be controled is unacceptable. This kind of tweet is like saying you should be able to keep your people in check. For a white man to make a statement like that is ridiculous with the history racial segregation in this country. Just yesterday Trump claimed after 4 years he will have 95% of the black votes. Trump was once quoted for saying “Laziness is a trait in blacks.” Trump was also quoted for saying “Black guys counting my money! I hate it.” What’s wrong with black people counting your money? Do you think blacks will steal your money? Do you honestly believe short Jewish men won’t? And why is being short a qualification for counting your money? Donald Trump was once under investigation by the DOJ for discrimination and violations the fair housing act. Is this the type of guy you want to lead this country? A man that insinuated violence against his competition in the presidential race. 

Trump claim the reason blacks should vote for him is because we got nothing to lose. “What the hell do you have to lose.” This coming from a man that can’t even trust a black person to count his money. That have made numerous racist and sexist statements in they pass telling us to trust him. Trump is unfit for the job commander and chief of this country.

This just make me wonder if that’s the reason he kept coming at Obama over his birth certificate. Did he think Obama blackness made him incompetence to lead this country? Is that the reason he ran for office this year? 

I can’t help who he is referring to as haters and losers? The Black people that he hated counting his money or blacks in general because he think laziness is a in black people DNA. 

Yet, they wonder why mass protest around the country, Like in the video below was popping up all over the country after he was elected?

Even white people don’t like Donald Trump.

Oppression Transgression and #Blacklivesmatter 

This picture is from Friday protest in Baltimore organized by the people power assembly. The signed police enforce oppression is a powerful statement. As a result of the transgression of police departments nationwide some people get nervous when around police. They say their job is to serve and protect yet when I’m driving and a cop car pull up behind me I don’t feel protected. In low income black communities it is common for citizens to wonder if the police going to bother them or not. Even if you not a criminal and know you didn’t do anything wrong the actions of some officer make people get nervous in the presence of police. Soon as I saw that sign I knew what she met. 

I won’t go as far as to say police terrorize our communities. Truth be told some blacks terrorize their own communities black on black crime is proof of that. However that is not an acceptable reason for officers to abuse their power. Police brutality and the slaughter of innocent people at the hands of those that suppose to protect us is unacceptable. Their is no legitimate justification for gunning down an unarmed man that’s selling his cds in front of a store. 

This woman is proof that white people are not naive to what’s going on in black communities. Some just choose to look the other rather it’s because of their professional status or just don’t care because it’s not happening in their community. Other just ignore because the victim is black. While at this protest an old white guy walked by screaming fuck Freddie Grey. This just show that some white condone the murder of blacks at the hands of the police department. This could be because they racist and don’t want to go to jail or get killed for trying to fulfill their racist white supremacy fantasies. 

When people compare black communities to Gaza I fully under stand what they saying. While what going on isn’t as bad as the atrocious isn’t no where near as bad as the atrocities in Gaza. Both communities have 2 things in common. 1 both have a deep history of being victimized and oppressed by an authority figure. 2 those doing the oppressing is rarely held accountability for their actions. We live in the land of the free yet on some sense of the word we really not free. 

Any time you catch officers red handed on film and they still found not guilty the system is screwed up. Too often officers are charged and not convicted for the murders they committed. Furthermore victims killed by the police department is not added to the yearly murder count. It’s like that murder never happened if you looking at a city murder statistics.